Certified Yoga trainers from other parts of the world.
Samyog is a giant exhale, from the moment you walk in the door. We are your sacred break from the busy, a moment to ground during your day.
It is a boutique yoga studio that offers group classes, private training, physical therapy, lessons, virtual events, and other yoga-related services.
We believe in the strength of connection; connection with your physical self and connection to the greater world around you. We understand the cyclical nature of our lives and our practices. We are passionate about creating a space where every body is family.
Welcome home.
Certified Yoga Trainer by Patanjali International Yoga Foundation.
Wake up with a sunrise meditation, sweat it out with lunchtime HIIT, or unwind with an evening flow. You’ll find movement for every mood with classes sorted by time, style, and skill level.
1 - Techniques: Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, Kriya, Mantra and Dhyana (Meditation) techniques will be taught during the training. Also, students will learn about the benefits. checkpoints and contra-indications.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): Students will learn the 12 positions of sun salutations with points of concentration, breathing and Mantra. Also trainees will learn Surya Namaskar with many variations of practice.
Asanas: learn more than 40 basic asanas (postures) including their different levels and variations, from beginner to advance level In each asana you will learn proper adjustments, alignments, techniques, corrections, contra-indications, physical and psychic awareness, benefits, etc.
Bandhas: learn the practice of 3 bandhas-energy locks in the body - Mula bandha, Jalandhara bandha, Uddiyana bandha and Maha bandha. We place emphasis on technique. contra-indications and benefits.
Pranayama : learn 8 main types of Pranayama (breathing) techniques - Anuloma-Viloma, Nadishodhana, Ujjal, Bhramari, Shitali, Sitkari, Bhastrika and Kapalbhati. Each Pranayama will be taught with emphasis on many technique, duration, ratio, physical and psychic awareness, contra-indications and benefits
Kriyas: learn and practice Shatriya "six body cleansing methods: Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Tratak and Kapalbhati with emphasis on techniques, practice and theory, variations, awareness, contra-indications, benefits, etc. We will explain how to use Kriya in daily life
Dhyana (Meditation): Students will learn and be guided into practice of major 6 meditation techniques in accordance with each Chakra plus 5 additional practices of different meditations with emphasis on background, techniques & benefits.
Mantra: learn to chant and present main vedic mantras
2 - Philosophy, lifestyle and ethics: We will explain and discuss the history and philosophy of Yoga.
3 - Anatomy and physiology: There are both physical and subtle anatomy lessons. You will get complete Information about three nadi-Ida, Pingla and Shusmana, kundalini and Shat chakras "Six energy channels" Mulladhar, Swadhisthana, Manipur, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna and Sahashrar chakra.
4 - Practicum: Learn how to teach all yoga techniques and how to manage the structure of yoga practice and lessons.
Class Structure and Planning: Students will learn how to create an effective and intelligent structure and build your class during the training. By the end of the training you would have enough structure, and have the confidence to go forwards on your own.
Assisting and Alignment: Students will learn how to make hands on adjustments for every pose study.
Motivating students to achieve their personal fitness goals through developing and modifying routines.
1 Month* - INR 2999.00
3 Months - INR 7999.00
6 Months - INR 14999.00
*Use code 'YOGI15' and get 15% off upon registration.
Discipline is an integral part of the training program which must be strictly followed.
Dress code for all yoga classes is loose yoga trousers till ankle and t-shirt which cover your shoulder.
Any activity that is not related to the course is not permitted.
Do not be late for class, the door of yoga hall would be closed and you will no longer be allowed to enter.
All forms of sexual behavior with students are unethical, even when a student invites or consents to involvement in such behavior. Sexual behavior is defined as, but not limited to all forms of overt and covert seductive speech, gestures, and behaviors in addition to any physical contact of a sexual nature. All forms of sexual harassment are unethical Harassment is defined as but not limited to, repeated comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature
"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."
"Every marathon I ran, I knew I had a faster one in me"